Welcome to ANTWERP, and welcome to the TIC Visit Antwerp!

Today we’ll go from inspiration to exploration, today it’s about seeing ANTWERP “for real”!


This TIC (which is much more than a TIC) fits in the “future-proof” theme:

  • Tourist Information Centre 
  • Entrance gate to the city + first encounter with Antwerp’s past
  • Cruise terminal
  • Shop + local delicacies 
  • Experience centre Antwerp Story


This visit to “Antwerp Story” is like a pre-scouting before we start to explore the city itself (starting Tuesday afternoon).


Questions BEFORE the visit 

(you may have done this too during the online kick-off last Monday)

Talk within your international team: After your preparation, pre-tasks & desk research: what is your (first) impression of Antwerp?  

How would you describe the city? (cfr. Conclusion Pre-Task 3)

Expectations? The highlights?



Get to know Antwerp better + focus on the 3 neighbourhoods where you will do the 3 scoutings!

You’ll walk through 11 rooms in total: In each room, you will explore Antwerp  in an original and surprising way. 


For every room: Which link to tourism do you see? Which  elements do you recognize? What are the new elements?

The idea is to get even MORE INSPIRATION for your Antwerp  scouting…

So take notes!


Room 1: people & stories of Antwerp 

You can choose from 5 languages!

Info panels + people of Antwerp present the city and its different neighbourhoods. 

Make sure to focus on the neighbourhoods that you will be scouting during this project week for the main assignment! 


Room 4: Timeless Icons

Scale model Antwerp highlights: Which landmarks/ monuments do you recognize?

Look carefully… You will see most of them for real during your scouting!


Room 5: 

Attic  “Made in Antwerp” : flavours, fashion, brewing, jewels,…

More inspiration? 


The end:

The Antwerp Story ends on the panoramic roof terrace of Het Steen.

+ Climb the stairs of the tower to the highest point. 

Enjoy the fantastic view of the city, the port, the cruise terminal, the river.

Take a picture with your international team + post it on ACEEPT Instagram + Hashtag Visit Antwerp!


AFTER the visit, sit together again and discuss these questions:

Impression ANTWERP STORY as introduction to the city? 

How does the city present itself here?

Does that image confirm the outcome of your desk research? 

Was your first impression confirmed, or has it changed?


Which elements  of this itinerary do you recognize from your previous research? Which are the new elements? More inspiration?


Which are the elements you want to know more about? Which parts do you want to see for real? Have your expectations changed?


NOW it’s time to explore and start a week of field research and scouting in Antwerp!!